Power Engineering
In the power engineering sector, the main role are playing devices for measuring the consumption, electricity meters remote readouts or a special modules for monitoring of operational parameters in the electricity grid. ANDIS is also developing software and offering services connected with measurement, evaluation and management of consumption in small and medium operations. ANDIS is also providing consultative services and expertises.
Examples of products and projects in the power engineering sector:
M.E.D. - program system for collection, processing and presentation of energy measurements
- CLIENT: Various Clients
ACM11- Communicator for Electricity Meter Readouts
- CLIENT: Various Clients
Equipment for Testing of the Electricity Measurement System on Railway Engines
- EXTREME PARAMETER: (Almost) Impossible Delivery Time
- CLIENT: Siemens s.r.o.
Watt-Hour Meter Readout Application for a Hand-Held Terminal
- EXTREME PARAMETER: Highest Work Effectiveness
AIL09-IES Module in Cooperation with Schrack Technik s.r.o
- CLIENT: Distribution Companies in Slovakia and Abroad
Measurement of the Consumption of the Pre-Heating Stands in DC Traction System
- CLIENT: ŽSR (Railroads of Slovak Republic)
MM485Tv2 - Thermometer for Power Engineering
- CLIENT: Schrack Technik
Direct-current Static Watt-Hour Meter AEM21-05R
- CLIENT: Various Clients
SEPS Studies
Measuring Voltage Converter
AIN16 - device for voltage indication
- CLIENT: IFT InForm Technologies
ACM14 - Communicator for electric meter readouts
- CLIENT: Various Clients
AT10TP - Stabilized voltage power supply
AIL12 - Monitoring of Presence / Drop-out of 3 Phase Voltages in The Low Voltage Network
- CLIENT: SIEMENS / ŽSR (Railroads of Slovak Republic)
AIL15 - Monitoring of Presence / Drop-out of 3 Phase Voltages in The Low Voltage Network
- CLIENT: Schrack Technik